Tutorial: Export CSV and Worldfile from ArcGIS

The Imagemap Generator needs a georeferenced Jpeg file (Jpeg and World-File) and a CSV file containing the geometry data and the URL for the clickable areas.

You can find examples for the input-files here

Next you will see how to produce these files with ArcGIS (Sorry for the German Screenshots).

  1. Download the Toolbox ESRI2OPEN
  2. Add the toolbox in ArcGIS.

  3. Open Esri 2 Open from the Toolbox.

  4. Choose the Feature Class containing all your data for the clickable areas and the geometry as first input and choose csv for the Output Dataset file type.

  5. Choose Well Known Text as Geometry Type and execute the Toolbox. This will generate the csv file needed.

  6. Next export the map. First switch the view in ArcGIS to see the data frame

  7. Next choose file -> Export map

  8. Tick write World-File. This will generate the image of your map and the World-File.

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